Blackjack exam

By Patrick Sirich - Python Elective 2019 - Python2

Introduction to the project

The description for the project that I have decided to make can be found here:

I have decided to create the project for assignment 2 - Blackjack - I have decided to do this project as I thought it would be a fun and challenging project to create. Creating a game of blackjack requires a great structure and logical thinking, making this the perfect choice for me.

I have set it all up in a single file called as it is a small project and the readability is in my opinion better this way than if I had set it up following OOP.

To run the project you have to type in "python" in the terminal and then follow the instructions in the terminal.

My focus during the development was making the code as effective as possible by creating reusable functions that would make the execution order of the code as easy as possible. This can be seen in the game_rules() function that consists primarily of the other functions but just determines the order of execution. consists all of the unittests (12) that I have created for this project.

To run the unittests type "python -m unittest" in the terminal - if all goes well it will return "Ran 12 tests in x.xxxs OK"

My project consists of 12 unittests that tests the different functions. I have decided not to run unittests on game_rules() and start_game() as these two functions consists primarily of functions that have already been tested.