Lesson 1: Introduction to the Python elective

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Agenda 19-02-2019

Topics today

The first part of today will be an "overview" and "installation" day. We need to be on the same level before we start. You will furthermore get an introduction to the unix filesystem and commandline and you will have exercises in controling your computer through the commandline.

Required reading

Supplementary reading



How will our development enviroment look like this semester?

  • Windows
  • Mac
  • Linux

Code example

Course overview

Teachings / Exercises

  • Techings 6 lektions a week for 15 weeks.
    • Teachings - Exercises - Recap

  • Homework (9 hours per week):
    • Reading: Required reading from this time.
    • Look at required reading for next time
    • Home Exercises

The UNIX File system and Terminal Commands

Exam & Mandatory Assignments

  • 2 Mandatory assignments
    • 1 in the middle
    • 1 in the end
  • Exam
    • Not settled yet, either
      • 24 hours written assignment
      • 30 minutes oral exam

What is Python used for?

  • Youtube
  • Google
  • Spotify
  • Reddit

  • Machine learning
  • Linkedin / Jobindex

Why did you choose this elective?

What can you expect

Required and Supplementary readings

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