
Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Speed up your webpack build/watch speed with webpack-multithread 🚀
The webpack-multithread enables the concurrent execution of multiple webpack configurations, distributing the workload across your processors to notably accelerate the build process.
It uses worker threads to work with multithreading.

Not comperable with node-sass ⚠️

Get Started

Follow these steps to start using Webpack Multithread:

  1. Installation

    # with npm
    npm i webpack-multithread --save-dev
    # with yarn
    yarn add webpack-multithread --dev
    # with pnpm
    pnpm add webpack-multithread -D
  2. Create webpack.multithread.js file

    const path = require("path");
    const WebpackMultithread = require("webpack-multithread");
    const config = path.join(__dirname, "./webpack.config.js");
    const webpackMultithread = new WebpackMultithread(config, {
      cpus: 4, // How many CPUs it may use
      retries: 2, // Retries before build fail
      watchMode: true, // Turn on/off watch mode
      // Options for webpack watcher
      // https://webpack.js.org/configuration/watch/
      watchOptions: {
        aggregateTimeout: 200,
        poll: 1000,

    Your config file should export an array of configs ⚠️

  3. Edit package.json

    "scripts": {
      "start": "NODE_ENV=development node ./config/webpack.multithread.js",
      "build": "NODE_ENV=production node ./config/webpack.multithread.js"

📝 License