
The Fift-Project is an animation with movin car, changing time of the day. Next project that I am developing CSS skills.

Primary LanguageCSS


This project is small animation with driving car, moving sun and with changing time day.
Animation was make by CSS pseudoclasses and other components like ::after and ::before.


  1. Learned a lot of pseudoclasses.
  2. Learned how to use ::before and ::after.

Zrzut ekranu (8)

  1. Learned transition and how to use it properly.
  2. I learned how to use @keyframes.
  3. I learned clean code knowledge.

Zrzut ekranu (8)

SUMMARY -> Fifth Project

First of all, this project taught me a lot in @ keyframes, animations that I want get on my website, using transition and for most important new
pseudoclasses like ::before and ::after. They are very important in modern CSS and SCSS.
Thanks that, now I have strong basics to develop my skills more further and discover more advance thing.
This showed me how much I have to learn and how much I already know.

If You want find my new projects that thet will show on my profile, come to Repositories section on my profile.
More projects will be realese on december.