An open software package dedicated for the development of Brain-Computer Interfaces with various advanced pattern recognition algorithms
- BangJiseon
- boramleekorea
- christophyoon
- drkostasUniversity of Tennessee, Knoxville
- eric4991
- hansuyeon
- Hongbok-Lee
- HyesooAn
- Jeong-WooKim
- JeongJiHoon
- JiyoungHwang
- KeuntaeKim
- KimKeunTae
- kme0155
- Lee-Sang-Hun
- lion1881
- LuiasKim
- MinHoLee-ku
- minkyung12
- minsuk-sungDepartment of Artificial Intelligence, Korea University
- mizosaan@otuainc
- mrk1992Seoul, Republic of Korea.
- mykim0409
- neuralnet-designerSeoul, Korea, Republic of
- nosangkwak
- OyeonKwon
- PatternRecognitionKorea University, Korea
- prmldkhan
- raehyun
- seonminkim-git
- wjNamKyungpook National University
- ynjang
- Yongdeok-Yun
- YongJeongKim
- youngeun1209
- YoungjinKee