
Clone a Spotify playlist to Google Play Music

Primary LanguagePython

Transfer a Spotify Playlist to Google Play Music

A simple command line script to clone a Spotify playlist to Google Play Music. Also includes interfaces for

  • creating a Play Music playlist from a text file
  • uploading local MP3s to Play Music

New: YouTube Music support. Spotify playlists can now be transferred to YouTube Music thanks to ytmusicapi. Usage is identical to GoogleMusic.py, just use python YouTube.py with the same parameters.



Initially you should create a new settings.ini containing your Spotify credentials. Simply copy settings.ini.example to a new file settings.ini and fill in your client_id and client_secret from https://developer.spotify.com/my-applications

For Google Play Music, open a console in the source code folder and run this script. Then follow the command line instructions to grant the app access to your account. All credentials are stored locally in the file settings.ini.

Google Play Music upload

python Setup.py --musicmanager

Google Play Music playlist transfers

python Setup.py --mobileclient

YouTube Music playlist transfers

python Setup.py --youtube

Then YTMusic will ask for the request header of https://music.youtube.com/browse

YTMusic's Document

Or passing raw headers as the 2nd argument.

python Setup.py --youtube --headers_raw "HEADERS"

Transfer playlists

After you've created the settings file, you can simply run the script from the command line using

python GoogleMusic.py <spotifylink>

where <spotifylink> is a link like https://open.spotify.com/user/edmsauce/playlist/3yGp845Tz2duWCORALQHFO Alternatively you can also use a file name in place of a spotify link. The file should contain one song per line.

The script will log its progress and output songs that were not found in Google Play Music to noresults.txt.

Transfer all playlists of a user

For migration purposes, it is possible to transfer all public playlists of a user by using the user's ID (unique username).

python GoogleMusic.py --all <user>

Upload songs

To upload songs, run

python GoogleMusicManager.py <filepath>

Command line options

There are some additional command line options for setting the playlist name and determining whether it's public or not. To view them, run

> python GoogleMusic.py -h


positional arguments:
  playlist              Provide a playlist Spotify link. Alternatively,
                        provide a text file (one song per line)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -u UPDATE, --update UPDATE
                        Delete all entries in the provided Google Play Music
                        playlist and update the playlist with entries from the
                        Spotify playlist.
  -n NAME, --name NAME  Provide a name for the Google Play Music playlist.
                        Default: Spotify playlist name
  -i INFO, --info INFO  Provide description information for the Google Play
                        Music Playlist. Default: Spotify playlist description
  -d, --date            Append the current date to the playlist name
  -p, --public          Make the playlist public. Default: private
  -r, --remove          Remove playlists with specified regex pattern.
  -a, --all             Transfer all public playlists of the specified user
                        (Spotify User ID).

Batch playlists transfers to Youtube in single script (You can skip the Setup.py)

  1. Update Spotify's credentials client_id and client_secret in setting.ini file.
  2. Prepare list of Spotify's playlists spotify_playlists.txt please check spotify_playlists.txt.example for the example.
  3. Prepare the headers youtube_headers_raw.txt please check youtube_headers_raw.txt.example for the example. YTMusic's Document

Incase you want to create playlist using brand account. You've to update user_id in setting.ini file. Otherwise just leave it blank.

You can retrieve the user ID by going to https://myaccount.google.com/brandaccounts and selecting your brand account. The user ID will be in the URL: https://myaccount.google.com/b/user_id/

  1. Run the script. python SpotifyToYoutube.py

By default, it will upload as private playlist using name and info from Spotify.

Transfer spotify playlist to YouTube Music.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -n NAME, --name NAME  Provide a name for the YouTube Music playlist. Default: Spotify playlist name
  -i INFO, --info INFO  Provide description information for the YouTube Music Playlist. Default: Spotify playlist description
  -d, --date            Append the current date to the playlist name
  -p, --public          Make the playlist public. Default: private
  -r, --remove          Remove playlists with specified regex pattern.
  -a, --all             Transfer all public playlists of the specified user (Spotify User ID).