Hey 👋, I'm Hyperz! Discord Badge Website Badge

async function legend() {
  const Hyperz = require('200iq.js');
  const chalk = require('chalk');

  let doing = ['Sleeping', 'Eating', 'Coding', 'Doing Your Mom'];
  let langs = ['JavaScript', 'NodeJS', 'ExpressJS', 'HTML5/CSS', 'Java', 'MySQL', 'Python', 'Markdown'];
  let tools = ['Brave Browser', 'Windows', 'Linux', 'Discord', 'GitHub'];

  let practice = await Hyperz.randomize(doing, langs, tools);

  let lifeStoryPart1 = `What's up weirdos, I'm a highschooler with a passion for Software Development and Graphic Design! `;
  let lifeStoryPart2 = `I spend most of my time coding in Discord calls with friends, or playing games on Steam. `;
  let lifeStoryPart3 = `Currently I am ${practice[0]}, while writing ${practice[1]} on ${practice[2]}`;

  console.log(chalk.blue(lifeStoryPart1, lifeStoryPart2, lifeStoryPart3));
exports.hyperz = legend;

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