E-Commerce Web Application in Laravel 5.5

A project on how to create a CRUD based E-Commerce webiste in Laravel PHP framework. In this project, a user has the ability to add,edit and delete products.The web app also has messaging functionality whereby authenticated users can send private messages.


  • Download the folder using git clone
  • Import the file called database.sql in your server
  • Create .env file and copy code from .env.example into it and configure database credentials.
  • Run composer install command
  • Run php artisan key:generate command.

Go to your domain and login using the credentials below:

Test Credentials to Login

  • Email admin@admin.com Password 123456
  • After login navigate this route at the top of your browser .../admin/addProduct
  • Navigate to other pages using routes found in routes/web.php file


This program is free software published under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License. You can freely use it for commercial or non-commercial purposes.