RESTFUL API backend using Laravel

A project showing how to create a RESTFUL API backend using Laravel PHP framework. Basically this API endpoint can be used with any front-end web framework such as Angular, React or Vuejs. It can also be used by Mobile frameworks. In this repo, we create Single Page Applications using Angular and Vuejs which reach out to this API backend.


  • You can use PostMan for testing API requests
  • Concerning authentication we are using Json Web Token (JWT) to access the endpoints

Front-end frameworks used with this API backend


  • Download the folder using git clone
  • Create .env file and copy code from .env.example into it and configure database credentials.
  • Run composer install command
  • Run php artisan key:generate command.


This program is free software published under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License. You can freely use it for commercial or non-commercial purposes.