Ionic Toastr is an extension of the angular-toastr project.
The extension integrates toasts with the ionic framework's color palette.
Coming soon....
Follow the instructions on the angular-toastr repository.
When your application is running and toasts are being displayed then it is time to change the colours of the toasts to match the ionic color palette.
The process is very simple:
Add the ionic-toastr to the project using bower
bower install ionic-toastr --save
Open scss/ and after the import for the ionic scss files, add the import for ionic-toastr.scss
@import "<bower folder>/ionic-toastr/dist/ionic-toastr.scss";
Remember then to recompile the scss file using
gulp sass
on the command line.
It is of course also possible to just copy the dist/ionic-toastr.scss to the ionic application's scss folder and then add the import to the as well since the changes are very small.
This repository contains a sample ionic project together with a set of checkins showing each step to integrate toasts into your ionic project.
Thanks to Jesus Rodriguez for his port of the original CodeSeven library
Thanks to the guys at CodeSeven/toastr for creating the original implementation.
Mit License: