Full-Stack Developer | Stack: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, React, Rails, | Open to remote work opportunities |
Student at MicroverseEthiopia / Addis Ababa
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Awesome books application using JavaScript
A Bus Service(scheduler Ticketer and User) based on Ethiopian Model Using c++
CodeAcademy is a website that provides the most updated information about full-stack web development. built with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
This project repository is to be used as a reference for the C++ implementation code for data structures and algorithms. Built with c++.
This is leaderBoard web app that to track the score with the help of leaderboard API service. Built with HTML, CSS, Javascript, and Leaderboard API.
Math magicians is the calculator based on web. built with react.
This Javasrcipt Capstone Project focuses on developing movie APIs that allow us watch movies content via apis and allow to leave likes and comments on them. built with HTML, CSS, and Java code.
This is My portfolio page
Stock Market prediction using Decision Tree Regressor , classifier and linear Regression. Built with python, Decision Tree classifier Model in Jupyter-lab.
This is an interactive to-do list online application that maintains browser data locally and allows users to add, remove, and amend tasks. built with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
Paul-tes's Repositories
CodeAcademy is a website that provides the most updated information about full-stack web development. built with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
My GitHub
Back end with
Math magicians is the calculator based on web. built with react.
The Amazon clone front-end web app is a Vite, React, Redux, and Tailwind CSS-based replica of the popular e-commerce platform, offering a user-friendly interface for browsing and purchasing products.
BetLembosa Room Sharing App is a B2B customer-driven mobile application where any customer can post and book rooms. It is built with Flutter, ensuring a smooth and consistent user experience across platforms.
BetLembosa is room sharing web application free open source project.
Ruby on Rails-powered blog app: Effortlessly share your thoughts, ideas, and stories through this user-friendly platform. Built with Ruby on Rails, it offers seamless post creation, easy sharing, and a vibrant community experience with likes and engagement features.
This is a flutter app to show the Bottom menue application.
Experience the ultimate mobile web app for budget management. Effortlessly track and categorize your expenses, gaining valuable insights into your spending habits. Take control of your finances with ease and make informed decisions.
Catalog of my things Project is a Ruby-based console application designed to allows users to organize and store data about their personal catalog of items. With this application, you can easily manage various types of collections, such as books, music albums, movies, or any other items you wish to catalog.
This is a React application with redux to show crud operations.
This is Ruby code thats decode the morse code in to engilish alpha.
This is a Rails API-only application designed to serve as the backend for a web application. It provides API endpoints to interact with data, such as storing and retrieving greetings, and is ideal for building RESTful services and handling data requests from a front-end client.. 📚
This is a web application project developed using the React JavaScript library. It serves as the frontend part of a web application and is responsible for providing a user interface and interacting with the backend to display data and user interactions.. 📚
This is rails back end application for learning purpose
This is a React app to show how to connect rails api and react in a separate application.
This is fluter app for the purpose of exersise from flutter official website tutorial.
PlayMe api is a next js application which allows to read, creat, update, and delete songs using restfull api endpoints
app should primarily show a list of songs and enable clients to create, update, and delete songs. It should utilize the REST API to fulfill the functionalities.
This is my personal portfolio, meticulously crafted using the React framework and enhanced with modern telwind CSS techniques.
This project is just a practice for testing the integration of React and rails.
The Recipe app keeps track of all your recipes, ingredients, and inventory. It will allow you to save ingredients, keep track of what you have, create recipes, and generate a shopping list based on what you have and what you are missing from a recipe. Also, since sharing recipes is an important part of cooking the app should allow you to share them
This is Ruby code that have a custom enumerable used in the List class methods.
School Libray is a console app that can add new students or teachers, add new books, and save records of who borrowed a given book and when. buit with Ruby
This project contains a solution class that to show the test driven development suing specification requirement. built with Ruby + rspec unit testing.
The Shooters News is a website where users can watch news, featuring a responsive design powered by Next.js 14 and GraphQL.
This is a mobile app called ToDo, which allows users to create, delete, and search todo lists. The tasks are saved even when the app is closed. The app is built using Flutter.
This vet clinic's database includes information on animal patients as well as some information on animal owners.