Java 8 library port of RiotGames/LoRDeckCodes to decode/encode Legends of Runeterra deck codes. The project uses no external libraries and is highly configurable. Created following the guidelines from RiotGames/LoRDeckCodes.
Download the latest release from Gradle:
repositories {
maven { url "" }
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.paul1365972:lordeckcoder:v1.0'
or Maven:
Simple decoding and encoding:
String code = LoRDeckCoder.toCode(deck, FormatVersion.LIVE);
Parsing and fetching card codes:
LoRCard card = LoRCard.fromCardCode("01PZ019");
String cardCode = card.getCardCode();
LoRFaction faction = card.getFaction();
Deck manipulation and analysis:
deck.addCards(LoRCard.fromCardCode("01PZ019"), 2);
int freljordCards = deck.getCards().entrySet().stream()
.filter(e -> e.getKey().getFaction() == LoRFaction.FRELJORD)
Custom decoder if you prefer your own implementation:
LoRDeck customDeck = LoRCoder.decode(code, LoRDecoder.from(
(deck, set, factionId, cardNumber, amount) ->
deck.addCards(new LoRCard(set, factionId, cardNumber), amount)
- All operations on the default implementation objects (LoRDeck, LoRCard) are safe. This means a deck or card cannot be in an invalid state and is thus always encodable