
Example code for doing low-level norns stuff in C

Primary LanguageC

Low Level Norns

Some small snippets of C code that do relatively low-level things on the norns.


You will need to be able to enter a norns shell, either through SSH or serial. An internet connection is helpful, but not necessarily needed.

Clone this repository onto your norns.

Compile things with make.

Temporarily disable default norns stuff by running sh kill_stuff.sh. This stops supercollider, matron, and crone. Rebooting the machine will restart these for you. I do this by running poweroff, then manually powering on the device.

The programs available are as follows:

  • audio.c: simple JACK client example, audio stops on key press
  • button.c: button handling example
  • fbtest.c: uses the framebuffer to print a smiley face to norns screen
  • input_monitor: watches for button/encoder input and prints to console when detected
  • knob.c: similar to button.c, but uses the encoders

Run one with ./(program name), replacing (program name) with your target program. Press Ctrl-C to stop it.