
Some useful extension methods for Unity classes

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Unity Extension Methods

My collection of useful extension methods for Unity classes. The goal of these extensions is to add functionality to common Unity classes and to make code more readable.


This package can be added to a Unity project through the Unity Package Manager with the Git URL https://github.com/PaulBichler/unity-extension-methods.git.


Transform Extensions

Extension methods for Unity's Transform class.

Method Description Return
transform.CopyFrom(Transform other) Sets the position, rotation, and scale of this transform to match those of another transform. void
transform.Reset() Resets the position, rotation, and scale of this transform. void
transform.SetX(float value) Sets the X value of this transform's position. void
transform.SetY(float value) Sets the Y value of this transform's position. void
transform.SetZ(float value) Sets the Z value of this transform's position. void
transform.LookAt2D(Transform target) Makes the transform look at a 2D target object by rotating its Up-axis towards the target position. void
transform.GetChildren() Gets all the direct children of this transform as an array. Transform[]
transform.AddChildren(Transform[] transformsToAdd) Adds an array of child transforms to the specified parent transform. void
transform.FindClosest(IEnumerable<Transform> transforms) Returns the transform in the array of transforms that is closest to this transform. Transform
transform.DestroyAllChildren(Predicate<Transform> whereCondition = null) Destroy all child GameObjects of a Transform. Returns the number of children destroyed. int
transform.GetPath(string delimiter = "/") Gets the full path of this Transform in the scene hierarchy. string

GameObject Extensions

Extension methods for Unity's GameObject class.

Method Description Return
gameObject.Clone() Creates a copy of this GameObject by instantiating it. GameObject
gameObject.HasComponent<T>() Determines whether a component of type T is attached to this GameObject. If you require a reference to the component, use TryGetComponent instead. bool
gameObject.GetOrAddComponent<T>() Gets or adds the specified component to this game object. If the component already exists, it's returned. Otherwise, it adds a new component of the specified type and returns it. T
gameObject.GetComponentsInDirectChildren<T>() Gets all components of the specified type in the direct children of this game object. List<T>
gameObject.DestroyComponent<T>() Destroys the specified component attached to this game object. If multiple components of the specified type are attached, only the first one is destroyed. bool
gameObject.GetPath(string delimiter = "/") Gets the full path of this GameObject in the scene hierarchy. string

Component Extensions

Extension methods for Unity's Component class.

Method Description Return
component.HasComponent<T>() Determines whether a component of type T is attached to the game object of this component. bool
component.AddComponent<T>() Adds a component of the specified type to the GameObject of this component. T
component.GetOrAddComponent<T>() Gets or adds the specified component to the GameObject of this component. If the component already exists, it's returned. Otherwise, it adds a new component of the specified type and returns it. T

MonoBehaviour Extensions

Extension methods for Unity's MonoBehaviour class.

Method Description Return
monoBehaviour.ExecuteInSeconds(float delay, Action callback) Invokes the specified callback after the specified amount of scaled time. This method starts a coroutine on this MonoBehaviour. void
monoBehaviour.ExecuteInSecondsRealtime(float delay, Action callback) Invokes the specified callback after the specified amount of unscaled time. This method starts a coroutine on this MonoBehaviour. void
monoBehaviour.ExecuteNextFrame(Action callback) Invokes the specified callback on the next frame. This method starts a coroutine on this MonoBehaviour. void

Rigidbody Extensions

Extension methods for Unity's Rigidbody class.

Method Description Return
rigidbody.Stop() Stops the Rigidbody by setting its velocity and angular velocity to zero. void
rigidbody.SetDirection(Vector3 direction) Sets the direction of the Rigidbody's velocity vector without changing its speed. void
rigidbody.MoveTowards(Vector3 targetPosition, float speed) Moves the Rigidbody towards the target position with a given speed. void

Rigidbody2D Extensions

Extension methods for Unity's Rigidbody2D class.

Method Description Return
rigidbody2d.Stop() Stops the Rigidbody2D by setting its velocity and angular velocity to zero. void
rigidbody2d.SetDirection(Vector2 direction) Sets the direction of the Rigidbody2D's velocity vector without changing its speed. void
rigidbody2d.MoveTowards(Vector2 targetPosition, float speed) Moves the Rigidbody2D towards the target position with a given speed. void

Vector Extensions

Extension methods for Unity's Vector2 and Vector3 structs.

Method Description Return
vector2.FindClosest(IEnumerable<Vector2> positions) vector3.FindClosest(IEnumerable<Vector3> positions) Returns the closest position in the array of positions. If multiple positions have the same distance to this vector2 or vector3, the first one is returned. Vector2? Vector3?

RectTransform Extensions

Extension methods for Unity's RectTransform class.

Method Description Return
rectTransform.GetWorldRect() Returns the world space bounding box of this RectTransform. Rect
rectTransform.Contains(RectTransform other) Checks if the world space bounding box of this RectTransform contains the world space bounding box of another RectTransform. bool
rectTransform.GetTop() Returns the top position of the RectTransform relative to its parent. float
rectTransform.GetBottom() Returns the bottom position of the RectTransform relative to its parent. float
rectTransform.GetRight() Returns the right position of the RectTransform relative to its parent. float
rectTransform.GetLeft() Returns the left position of the RectTransform relative to its parent. float
rectTransform.SetTop(float top) Sets the top position of the RectTransform relative to its parent. void
rectTransform.SetBottom(float bottom) Sets the bottom position of the RectTransform relative to its parent. void
rectTransform.SetRight(float right) Sets the right position of the RectTransform relative to its parent. void
rectTransform.SetLeft(float left) Sets the left position of the RectTransform relative to its parent. void

Color Extensions

Extension methods for Unity's Color and Color32 structs.

Method Description Return
color.ToHex() Converts a Color or Color32 object to a hexadecimal string representation. string

AudioSource Extensions

Extension methods for Unity's AudioSource class.

Method Description Return
audioSource.FadeIn(float duration, float targetVolume, Action onComplete = null) Fades in the AudioSource to the target volume over a specified duration. This is a coroutine that needs to be started by calling StartCoroutine on a MonoBehaviour. IEnumerator
audioSource.FadeInAsync(float duration, float targetVolume, Action onComplete = null) Asynchronously fades in the AudioSource to a specified target volume over a specified duration. void
audioSource.FadeOut(float duration, Action onComplete = null) Fades out the AudioSource from its current volume to silence over a specified duration. This is a coroutine that needs to be started by calling StartCoroutine on a MonoBehaviour. IEnumerator
audioSource.FadeOutAsync(float duration, Action onComplete = null) Asynchronously fades out the volume of the AudioSource over a specified duration. void

Camera Extensions

Extension methods for Unity's Camera class.

Method Description Return
camera.GetMouseRay() Retrieves the mouse ray from the camera based on the current mouse position. (Mouse position is retrieved using 'Input.mousePosition') Ray
camera.Shake(float duration, float magnitude) Shakes the camera by modifying its local position. This is a coroutine that needs to be started by calling StartCoroutine on a MonoBehaviour. IEnumerator