New Relic's JMX fetcher, a simple tool for extracting data out of any application exposing a JMX interface.
NR-JMX uses Maven for generating the binaries:
$ mvn package
This will create the nrjmx.jar
file under the ./bin/
directory. Copy
& bin/nrjmx.jar
files to your preferred location. Both files must
be located under the same folder.
It will also create DEB and RPM packages to automatically install NR-JMX. If you
want to skip DEB and RPM packages (e.g. because your development machine does not
provide the required tools), you can disable the deb
and rpm
Maven profiles from
the command line:
mvn clean package -P \!deb,\!rpm
Note: nrjmx is targetted to work with Java 7 ( pom.xml )
The applicaton just expects the connection parameters to the JMX interface.
$ ./bin/nrjmx -hostname -port 7199 -username user -password pwd
The tool will read lines from the standard input which should contain object name patterns for which we want to fetch their attributes. For each line, it will get the beans matching the pattern and output a JSON which all the attributes found.
For instance, if you want to fetch some beans from Cassandra JMX metrics, you could execute:
$ echo
"org.apache.cassandra.metrics:type=Table,keyspace=*,scope=*,name=ReadLatency" | java -jar target/nrjmx-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar -hostname -port 7199 -username user -password pwd
If you want to use a remoting-jmx URL you can use the flag -remote
. In this case it will use the remoting connection URL: service:jmx:remoting-jmx://host:port
instead of service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://host:port/jmxrmi
Example of usage with remoting:
$ ./bin/nrjmx -hostname -port 7199 -username user -password pwd -remote
If your JMX provider uses a non-standard JMX service URI, you can use the flag -uriPath
to specify the path portion. For example, ForgeRock OpenDJ uses a JMX service URI like service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://localhost:1689/org.opends.server.protocols.jmx.client-unknown
To extract data from this application:
$ ./bin/nrjmx -hostname localhost -port 1689 -uriPath "org.opends.server.protocols.jmx.client-unknown" -username user -password pwd