Oxbury Bank | Technical Test


This technical test for Oxbury Bank uses the Beer API to fetch beer data. Choose any provided boilerplate or use your own. If using a boilerplate, you can modify any code as needed. If using another framework or language, you'll need to implement the data integration layer.


  1. Set API pagination to 15 beers per page.
  2. Add more details to the Single Beer view (e.g. image_url, abv, ibu, ebc, food_pairing, brewers_tips, ingredients).
  3. Implement basic pagination with Next/Previous buttons.
  4. Make beers clickable, opening a separate page/view.
  5. Add search functionality for beer list (Bonus points).
  6. Consider or implement tests for the app.
  7. Comment on potential architectural or design improvements (Bonus points) (no need to implement).

API Documentation

Find full API documentation here. Use the following endpoints:

Use query parameters to filter results when using GET /beers. See documentation for parameter details.


Example boilerplates: