
:rocket: A minimal Hyperdom application starter kit.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Hyperdom boilerplate

A minimal Hyperdom application starter kit.

What you get

A simple single page app starting point to kick off your hyperdom app.

There's no server... This is just for your front ends.

  • Hyperdom single page app with a couple of views
  • Service worker... offline first, yeah?
  • Testing setup with browser-monkey (It's fast and it's ace!)
  • Less for styles
  • ES6 transpiling and JSX transformations using Babel
  • Module bundling with Browserify

Get started

Clone the repo

git clone http://github.com/paulcampbell/hyperdom-boilerplate

Install the dependencies

npm install

Run the tests

npm test

Development mode with live reload

npm start

(hit up http://localhost:8080, yeah?)

Deploy it to a github pages

got it in a github repository? Excellent. Run this to publish your app to gihub pages:

npm run deploy

now check it out... somewhere like this https://paulcampbell.github.io/hyperdom-boilerplate/

Folder structure

  |- sw-precache-config.js       # Add any files you want cached for offline use in here read about it [here](https://github.com/GoogleChrome/sw-precache)
  |- dist                        # built application ends up here
  |- src                         # html and javascripts... write your code here
  |  |- styles                   # less stylesheets... add your styles here
  |- test                        # specs... write your tests here