Argos3 Docker Example

This is a minimal docker example to run Argos3 on any platform. The following assumes that you are running on a Linux distribution. Look at the end for Windows and Mac support.

Build the Image

For the first build execute in the same folder as the Dockerfile:

docker build . --tag argos-example --network host

Be sure to change the UPDATE_CODE value every time to invalidate your build cache. If you modified the ARGoS simulator itself use the arg UPDATE_ARGOS instead. Example:

docker build . --tag argos-example --network host --build-arg CODE_UPDATE=1

Running a Container

The ARGoS simulation needs access to a graphical user interface to work. Many options are available to share the X server and have access to the GUI of the apps running in your docker container. You can look here for multiple options on Linux. Otherwise, I also suggest using with options --hostdisplay --hostnet --user=RETAIN -- --privileged. Look at the end of this file for Windows and Mac options.

Launching the Simulation

You can start a bash shell into the container with the following command:

docker exec -it $(docker container ls -q) /bin/bash

If you have multiple containers running at the same time, you can replace the $(docker container ls -q) with the container ID. The container ID can be found using docker ps.

Then you can start the simulation yourself. For example, go into the folder /root/examples and execute :

argos3 -c experiments/diffusion_10.argos

Visual Studio Code (not essential but recommended)

I recommend using Visual Studio Code to edit and debug your code.


Look here to develop inside your Docker container with VSCode:


  1. Launch Visual Studio Code in the folder /path/to/your/code.
  2. Launch the simulation.
  3. Create a (gdb) Attach configuration in Visual Studio Code debugging tool (you will need C++/CMake extensions). Example of .vscode/launch.json config file:
        "version": "0.2.0",
        [{   "name": "(gdb) Attach",
             "type": "cppdbg", 
             "request": "attach", 
             "program" :  "/usr/local/bin/argos3", 
             "processId": "\${command:pickProcess}",
             "MIMode": "gdb", 
                 [ { "description": "Enable pretty-printing for gdb", 
                     "text": "-enable-pretty-printing","ignoreFailures": true
                     } ]
  4. In the debugging drop list choose (gdb) Attach, press play and select the running argos3 process.
  5. You are ready to place your breakpoints and debug!

Other Platforms

Windows Support

Thanks to the magic of Docker, it is possible to run the simulation on Windows as follows:

  • Install Docker for Windows
  • Install VcXsrv to instantiate a X server.
  • Run the newly installed XLaunch, choose the default settings except:
    • Choose One Large Window
    • Check Disable access control
  • Launch a cmd and check your machine ip address with ipconfig (e.g.
  • Launch your container with the following command: docker run -it -e DISPLAY= argos-example.
  • Now you can launch the simulation as normal! For example: argos3 -c example.argos.

Mac Support

Never tried it myself, but it should work. Look here:


There are plenty of networking things you can do with Docker (exposing ports, share host network, etc.). Look here for more info:


For further questions or comments, feel free to contact me at : or leave an issue on this repository.