
1. Installation

0. Tools

  1. Any ide or text editor, vs-code or RustRover is recommended.
  2. Dbeaver for db work

1.1 Frontend

  1. Install npm
  2. Run npm install in the frontend folder
  3. Run npm run dev in the frontend folder

1.2 Backend

  1. Install rust (make sure cargo and rustc are installed)
  2. Make sure your .env is configured, since the password is very long and contains unusual characters, you can use export $(cat .env | grep DATABASE_URL)
  3. Run cargo run or cargo run --release in the main folder

2. FAQ


  • Set up the vps and think of a way to make our workflow headache-free
  • Install openproject and setup everything needed
  • DB Design
  • Make the base of the project (auth, accounts, posting stories, voting, profile endpoint, etc)
  • QOL features
  • Revenue related stuff