
Django server for the yunity API

Primary LanguagePythonGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0

Stories in "Tasking" Stories in "Next" Stories in "In Progress"


Getting started

For a very quick startup, please checkout the yunity-setup Repo. If you want to only install the backend, please have a look into the setup repo for the dependencies and configuration.

Create the environment manually

  • git clone git@github.com:yunity/yunity-core.git ~/yunity-core
  • mkdir -p ~/virtualenvs/env
  • virtualenv --python=python3 --no-site-packages ~/yunity-core/env
  • source ~/yunity-core/env/bin/activate
  • pip install -r ~/yunity-core/requirements.txt

Configure database access

Add the connection parameters to your local Postgres database server to wuppdays/local_settings.py.

    'default': {
        'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.postgresql',
        'NAME': 'yunity-database',
        'USER': 'yunity-user',
        'PASSWORD': '',
        'HOST': '',
        'PORT': '5432',

If you get a "virtual memory error" with any of the postgres commands, close PyCharm and re-issue your command.


We use PyCharm for development. The open source free professional licences are still pending, for now use the community edition from https://www.jetbrains.com/pycharm/download/.

Archlinux users may install pycharm-community from the aur.

Please set the python interpreter to the virtual env python created during during the setup.


For all those who love Vim, just enable syntax checking and add python and django plugins to Vim. Follow using vim with django.

Django quick introduction

Before using any tools from the shell, you need to activate the virtualenv:

source ./env/bin/activate

The manage.py application can be used to perform administrative tasks:

  • makemigrations: Create database migrations
  • migrate: Apply database migrations
  • remakeallmigrations: Remove and recreate all migrations
  • shell_plus: (requires ipython) for playing in a django python environment
  • test: Run automated tests


Data model

Currently, the data model is subject to change. When the backend reaches the beta stage, an ER-diagram could be put here.

API Documentation

A swagger description file is generated at /doc. You can pass it to any swagger installation.

Install swagger locally

See the yunity-setup repository [yunity-setup repository] for a complete local environment that also includes a swagger release.

Django application settings

In development, you can add and override local settings in wuppdays/local_settings.py, which is present in .gitignore and hence out of version control. If the file is not present, i.e. in production, nothing happens.

Update requirement packages

pip-tools is used to manage requirements. To use the latest possible requirements, do:

  • pip install pip-tools
  • pip-compile --upgrade

Use pip-compile --upgrade -p to include prereleases.

Contributing to yunity-core

To contribute, please get in contact with us. We want to follow a pull request / code review cycle as soon as possible but in our early design stages we prefer to work in teams at the same desk. We use

  • github issues for development tasks (try waffle.io for a nice view on it)
  • slack as team communication, not only for development

Coding guidelines

We follow the pep8 with disabled whitespace checks and a wider maximum line length of 120 characters. As always, the coding style may not apply at some parts. You can execute yunity/management/scripts/git-hooks/pep8-check in the repository root.