Special thanks go to Dieter Lunn, who wrote the original ubiety XMPP library and Andrew Joyce, who helped me a LOT with improving the design(he's really talented).
The Application is available for free in the Windows Store and I decided to make the code open source in order to share my efforts.
There are things in Chat I don't like, the UI code and storage system (there even is a Project to change that) for example, but I don't have enough time to change that at the moment and I think most of you know this situation.
Chat depends on my fork of the ubiety XMPP library. The library is linked as a submodule and available on github here.
In order to improve not only the code but also the application in the store I would be happy to see others contribute to this project. There is also a feedback platform available here.
I chose the MIT license because I think that free software is only possible without limits. I hope nobody sees this as an invitation for brainless copy-pasting of the application code in order to make a fast buck.