
A framework to robustly process network messages and structured data

Primary LanguageC++OtherNOASSERTION

Network Alchemy

A portable framework to robustly process network messages and structured data. This library can also be used for serialization tasks and provides compile-time reflection for Hg-defined structures.

Alchemy is portable across different processor types and platforms.

Currently Alchemy is based on template library development with the same methodologies that are used to develop the Standard C++ Library. The majority of this library only requires header files. The implementation aims to be portable across platforms and processor types. Functionality is only dependent upon the C++ Standard Library.

Alchemy requires a Modern compiler (C++11, C++14 and C++17), although a legacy version exists for Classic C++, C++98 with the TR1 extensions. This version supports fundamentals, nested, packed, arrays, vectors and message views. All new development is done exclusively on the modern branch and bug fixes on both branches.

All commenting is done using doxygen.

I welcome your feedback. If you have an idea that you think would fit within Alchemy or would like to contribute, please contact me.

You can follow me on Twitter: @codeofthedamned


*Intel Core i7-4790L @ 4.00GHz
*16 GB RAM
*Windows 10 64-bit

These benchmarks were compiled by Visual Studio 2017 with these compiler settings:
*Maximixe Speed: /O2
*Enable Intrinsic (Yes): /Oi
*Favor Speed: /Ot
*Omit Frame Pointers (Yes): /Oy
*Whole Program Optimization (Yes): /GL
*Use Link-time Code Generation

Link-time code generation gives about 15% increase in performance.

Test % Faster
Basic: 40.01%
Packed: ** 4.20%**
Unaligned: 45.20%
Array: 74.16%
Complex: 21.55%
Total: 36.77%

Mercury (Hg), Messenger of the Gods

Hg is a message and structured data processing framework that provides the ability to define portable structured message formats. Hg creates ABI consistent definitions that are compatible to the bit-level. These structured definitions will facilitate the population of the data in the memory buffers for inter-process communication, file and network transfer, and even direct memory access mapping.

  • Byte-alignment processing is completely transparent to application level users.
  • Byte-order conversion utilities are automatically generated for proper conversion between host, network, big and little-endian byte formats for transport developers.
  • Word alignment and memory access issues are also handled transparently by the framework.
  • A natural interface syntax is created for the users of Hg messages structures in the same way structures are accessed.
  • Nested structures are supported.
  • Sequences of elements both fixed-size (arrays) and dynamically-sized (vectors) are supported.
  • An opaque view type exists that can be mapped against any sequence of bytes for temporary access. This allows the object to interact with a packed structure at a byte-level, without making copies or taking ownership.
  • Optional field members that are not guaranteed to be present when a message is received.

Message structure definitions are created with the list of MACROs below. Refer to the appropriate MACROs documentation for details on correct usage:



Hg provides a portable bit-field interface that works by generating the appropriate shift and mask operations for each field. This provides the convenience of using C/C++ bit-field language feature, but can still create a predictable bit-sequence in a packed byte buffer.

Use these MACROS to define a set of bit-fields that are packed into a user-specified integral type.

Hg currently is written to allow up to 32 bit-fields in a single parameter.


** Hg Example below **

Carbon (C), C-linkable API generation

The preprocessor has been utilized to generate definitions that are compatible with C. A Mercury library can now be generated and configured to generate Carbon definitions as well. All of the power and speed of the Hg messages will be compiled into a library that exports C-linkable interfaces, as well as C-style structures to access the data.

This library will allow any language that is capable of importing a C-library to take advantage of Hg message serialization support. More details will soon follow regarding documentation and usage examples.

Bi (Bismuth) Big-Integer

I have started work on a Big-Integer library for Alchemy. This will be useful for integer calculations for number theory. Eventually, I will secure it for use with cryptography, which I plan to implement a few convenience functions to simplify encryption, hashing and other related activities with message passing.

Bismuth (Bi) is a Big-Integer library to handle operations that require numbers greater than the native processor can support. The primary goals of Bismuth are ease-of-use and security. A wide variety of operations from Number Theory are implemented in Bismuth, including modular arithmetic and discrete logarithms. The primary goal for this library is to become a building block to build other robust applications, such as cryptosystems. It is also written using C++ 11 features with clarity of implementation and simplicity to make security more realistic.

Current work:

  • Natural Number Group
  • Integer Group
  • Discrete Logarithm
  • Discrete Elliptical Curve

Future work:

  • Discrete Lattice

Here is a short example of a Hg message definition and how it can be used:

#include <Alchemy.h>
// Message definition specifies the TypeList format, and associates a name with each field.

// Now messages can be created, populated, copied, and converted between byte-order.
AppError::host_t msg;
msg.id = 1;
msg.code = GetError();
strncpy(msg.desc, GetErrorDesc(), sizeof(msg.desc));

// Convert to network byte-order
AppError::net_t msgNet = Hg::to_network(msg);

// The fields id and code will have been converted if this is
// a little endian system, otherwise no change will have occured.
// Assuming there is a socket open and ready to be written to,
// the network instance of the message will provide the data.
send(sock, msgNet.data(), msgNet.size(), 0);

Here is the sample example used with C and Carbon rather than C++:

// Inclusion of the carbon header triggers the generation of the Carbon definitions.
#include <Carbon.h>
// Same message definitions as before.

// An enumerated value that identifies the
// type of message to be created is generated.
Hg_msg_t *p_msg = Hg_create(k_AppError);
AppError *msg = (AppError*)p_msg;
msg->id = 1;
msg->code = GetError();
strncpy(msg->desc, GetErrorDesc(), sizeof(msg->desc));

// Convert to network byte-order
// AppError::net_t msgNet = Hg::to_network(msg);
// Carbon messages are converted in-place.

// The environment that uses the carbon library is reposible
// for managing memory to serialize the messages.
size_t len = Hg_size(p_msg);
unsigned char *p_buffer = malloc(len);
Hg_pack(p_msg, p_buffer, len)
`// Now the data can be sent in network order` `send(sock, p_buffer, len, 0);`
// Cleanup resources.

Hg provides the convenient interface for users to convert data values into a data buffer.

Hg is a C++ template library, it does not produce any module on its own.

Alchemy does not provide any transport mechanism. This currently is not a priority for this library because there are plenty of libraries that already exist to manage data transfer between two nodes. I intend to create adapters that are compatible with common serialization and transport interfaces like Boost::Serialize and Boost::Asio.

I envision users of the library to be able to use message objects defined for host-byte order, and the transport adapters will decide if the message byte-order needs to be adjusted. For example, if the transport adapter is a socket, the adapter will convert to network-byte order. However, if the transport is a named-pipe on the same system, it will not perform any byte-order adjustments.

If you know of other transport libraries and would like to see an Hg adapter to that library, please create a new issue request.

Future Plans:

  • CMake Build-System

  • Cs (Cesium): Time-related constructs that are built upon the std::chronos library -- Benchmarking constructs

  • Si (Silicon): Memory based constructs suitable for embedded development -- Register maps -- Lockless Ring-Buffer

  • Other: -- Finite State-Machine -- Discrete Random Variables and supporting functions (e.g. PDF and CDF)