
Lambda calculus interpreter

Primary LanguageRustGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


A simple lambda calculus interpreter.


Parsing and reduction of lambda calculus expressions, including unicode support and syntax sugar:

(\S K. S K K) (\x y z. x z (y z)) (\x y. x)
((λS. λK. (S K) K) (λx λy. λz. (x z) (y z))) (λx. λy. x)

Can evaluate from files, or run in a REPL.

Option to list reduction steps:

(\S K. S K K) (\x y z. x z (y z)) (\x y. x)
==(β _)==>
(\K. (\x y z. x z (y z)) K K) (\x y. x)
(\x y z. x z (y z)) (\x y. x) (\x y. x)
==(β _)==>
(\y z. (\x y. x) z (y z)) (\x y. x)
\z. (\x y. x) z ((\x y. x) z)
==(\. (β _))==>
\z. (\y. z) ((\x y. x) z)
==(\. β)==>
\z. z


Either download a binary from the releases page, or build manually (requires rust):

$ git clone https://github.com/IronCretin/lambda.git
$ cd lambda
$ cargo build
$ cargo run -- -l
Lambda v0.2.0-alpha

NOTE: cargo run requires flags to be passed behind -- in order to pass them to the executable.


  • Clap - command line argument parser.


    lambda [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] [INPUT]

    -l, --list       Lists individual reduction steps
    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information

    -s, --strat <STRAT>    Sets reduction order [default: normal]  [possible values: byname, normal]

    <INPUT>    Sets the source file to use, or if none given, launches a REPL


Lambda expressions consist of variables, applications (calls), and lambda abstractions (calls)

<expression> ::= <name>
               | <expression> <expression>
               | ("λ" | "\") <name> "." <expression>
               | let <name> ":=" <expression>; <expression>
<name> ::= <one or more of any characters except one of λ \ . # ; let := ( )>

Applications associate to the left, and the body of a lambda abstraction or let statement extends as far to the right as possible, with explicit grouping indicated by parentheses.

a b c == ((a b) c) != (a (b c))
f \x. x y == f (\x. x y) != (f (\x. x)) y

let statements are sugar for lambda applications:

let x := y; x x == (\x. x x) y

Whitespace is disregarded, and comments are started by # and continue until the end of the line.


Lambda is distributed under the terms of the GNU GPL v3