
MSP430 Demo: Listens for temperature data and radio signals strength, dataviz in the browser

Primary LanguageC

MSP-430 Demo application

MSP-430 board code

Prerequisite: a Raspberry Pi, with a user "pi" and IP address 172.16.52, and a connected MSP-430 attached to the USB port.

  1. Copy all code inside the board folder into the Raspberry Pi, in ~/board/.
  2. On the host machine, cd board/ez430-applications/demo/
  3. Run: make TARGET to download the code to the Raspberry Pi, cross-compile it and download it to the MSP-430. For instance:
    • make pido_receiver
    • make pido_transmitter

Set PI_IP with the IP address of the raspberry pi to override the default.

All user code is in board/ez430-applications/demo/src/, everything else are drivers and utilities.

MSP-430 Front-end

This reads CSV data from stdin, that is supposed to be sent by the MSP-430 board.

Supposed to be run with:

$ ezconsole | node index.js

To run it as a standalone server:

$ node index.js

and write your own commands using the keyboard.

It can also produce fake data, if you set `NODE_ENV=test':

$ NODE_ENV=test node index.js

In this way, the graphs will use generated data.