
:book: BibleTime is a powerful cross platform Bible study tool.

Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

README for BibleTime Build StatusPackaging status

BibleTime is a Bible study application based on the Sword library and Qt toolkit.


You can just download and install BibleTime from GitHub. The following requirements are needed only if you want to develop BibleTime.



  • po4a
  • xsltproc
  • docbook-xsl
  • docbook-xml
  • fop (for PDF generation)

These packages are only used by the build system when document generation and installation is enabled. By default, all translations of the handbook and howto documents are generated and installed. This can be changed using the following options to CMake:

  • BUILD_HANDBOOK_HTML - whether to generate and install the HTML handbook (default: "ON")
  • BUILD_HANDBOOK_HTML_LANGUAGES - list of language codes to use for HTML handbook, or empty for all languages (default: "")
  • BUILD_HANDBOOK_PDF - whether to generate and install the PDF handbook (default: "ON")
  • BUILD_HANDBOOK_PDF_LANGUAGES - list of language codes to use for PDF handbook, or empty for all languages (default: "")
  • BUILD_HOWTO_HTML - whether to generate and install the HTML howto (default: "ON")
  • BUILD_HOWTO_HTML_LANGUAGES - list of language codes to use for HTML howto, or empty for all languages (default: "")
  • BUILD_HOWTO_PDF - whether to generate and install the PDF howto (default: "ON")
  • BUILD_HOWTO_PDF_LANGUAGES - list of language codes to use for PDF howto, or empty for all languages (default: "")

For example, passing -DGENERATE-HOWTO_HTML_LANGUAGES=en;et to the cmake command to restricts generation and installation of howto HTML versions to the English and Estonian translations only, and -DBUILD_HOWTO_PDF=OFF disables generation of the howto in PDF format.


Please report any bugs your find to our issue tracker or see the BibleTime homepage for additional information.


You can find information about BibleTime, the installation and its usage in the following places:

  • https://bibletime.info/
  • The BibleTime handbook available in the Help menu of the BibleTime application.
  • There's a Bible study tutorial in the help menu.

May God, our Lord, use BibleTime for his glory.

The BibleTime developers