
All my js saved bookmark. Some are really specific so you might not want to use them.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

What is this ?

Repo that contains any js-bookmark I wanna share.

What is a js bookmark ?

In common browsers, you already know you can add bookmark an URL in order to access it quicker next time.

Instead of an URL you can provide a javascript snippet that will run some js on the page you're currently focusing.

It work basically as a cheap browser extension you have to run on your own at any page load.

How to install one ?

Go find the js-bookmark you want in this repo, there should be quick doc to know what they are used for.

Then copy the js code, go into your bookmark menu and add hit "add page" or something like that. Then you'll have two inputs to fill:

  • The name of your bookmark (whatever you want)
  • The URL: here you will write javascript: and then past the js snippet you just copy from this repo.

How to contribute ?

Do you changes, make a PR with a short explanation (why/how).

Can I copy/past anything (license) ?

Sure. Go on !