
Just a quick poc to experiement with sharp lib and how to tweak options to make it performant.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

POC with express and sharp

This is a POC to test the sharp library to resize images in a express server. This is meant to be a playground to test the sharp library and other things in order to build a lambda function to resize images that is efficient and fast.


  • Typescript
  • swc
  • prettier
  • eslint
  • dockerized
  • Sharp
  • Zod validation
  • Express



  • docker
  • docker compose
  • make


  1. Clone the repository
  2. Run make install to install the dependencies
  3. Run make dev to start the project in dev
  4. Go to http://localhost:8080 (or any port configured in .env DEV_PORT) to see the project running

Endpoint usage

  • GET /image - Resize an image
    • src: string [REQUIRED] - image name from folder images (e.g. image-1.jpg)
    • w: number - target width in pixel (e.g. 200) (you can use w or h or both, but at least one is required)
    • h: number - target height in pixel (e.g. 200) (you can use w or h or both, but at least one is required)
    • fit: cover | contain | fill | inside | outside - how to fit the image when constraining both width and height (e.g. cover) (default: cover)
    • type: avif | jpg | png | webp | matchSource | auto - output image type (e.g. webp) (default: auto)
    • q: number 0-100 - quality of the output image (for lossy types only) (e.g. 80) (default: 75)


  • There is a debug.html file you can open in your browser. It is meant to test cache policies loading a <img/> tag in the DOM.


  • make install - Install the dependencies
  • make dev - Start the project in dev mode
  • make clean - Clean everything (docker images, volumes, node_modules, dist, etc.)
  • make quality - Run the quality checks (eslint, prettier etc.)
  • make bash - Open a bash inside the container (to install new dependencies, or run any other command)


feel free to use it as you want