This is just a little personal challenge of implementing the specs given in this medium article:
This is basically implementing reactive value and effetc callback wrapper a bit like it's made in React.
This is not optimized at all. Possible improvments:
- use native js get for value access
- better typing (don't expose emit/set for computed values)
- prevent unnecessary updates
- update only once each reaction for one update
- agregate multi change in batches for single update on multi value change "at once"
Everything is in ./src/Signal.ts
// Equivalent in React
() => {
const [counter, setCounter] = useSate(0);
useEffect(() => {
console.log('counter update', couter);
}, [counter]);
return <>
<button onclick={() => setCounter(counter+1)}>+1</button>
// Equivalent in my shitty Signal implementation
const appRootElement = document.getElementById('app-root');
appRootElement.innerHtml = `<button id="myButton">+1</button>`;
const counter = new Signal.State(0);
Signal.effect(() => {
console.log('counter update', couter.get());
}, [counter]);
const myButton = document.getElementById('myButton') as HTMLButtonElement;
myButton.onclick = () => counter.set(coutner.get() +1);