
Pass in an order_id and get back formatted description with extra meta data

Primary LanguageJavaScript

== Description ==

Pass in a WooCommerce order_id and return a customized, more verbose description that includes needed meta data to pass to Stripe.

We have order items are stored in WC Order Item Meta and wanted that data sent to Stripe in the description field.
Contains an array of item meta (in our case multiple products within a product). Set values in array and if they exist they will be sent in the Stripe description.

== Requires ==
	* WooCommerce 
	* WooCommerce Stripe Gateway Extension
	* WooCommerce Subscriptions Extension (if using subscriptions with Stripe)
== How To ==
	function process_subscription_payment
		Modify value that $subscription_name is set to: $subscription_name = gatewayStripeDescriptionFormatter($order->get_order_number());

	function process_payment
		Modify value that $post_data['description'] is set to: $post_data['description']	= gatewayStripeDescriptionFormatter($order->get_order_number());

			Define sub products in the array $LBFProducts