Primary LanguageC


CO 1
Analyze a computational problem and develop an algorithm/flowchart to find its solution
CO 2
Develop readable* C programs with branching and looping statements, which uses Arithmetic, Logical, Relational or Bitwise operators.
CO 3
Write readable C programs with arrays, structure or union for storing the data to be processed
CO 4
Divide a given computational problem into a number of modules and develop a readable multi-function C program by using recursion if required, to find the solution to the computational problem
CO 5
Write readable C programs which use pointers for array processing and parameter passing
CO 6
Develop readable C programs with files for reading input and storing output


Programming in C (Common to all disciplines)
Module 1
Basics of Computer Hardware and Software
Basics of Computer Architecture: processor, Memory, Input& Output devices Application Software & System software: Compilers, interpreters, High level and low level languages Introduction to structured approach to programming, Flow chart Algorithms, Pseudo code (bubble sort, linear search - algorithms and pseudocode)

Module 2
Program Basics
Basic structure of C program: Character set, Tokens, Identifiers in C, Variables and Data Types , Constants, Console IO Operations, printf and scanf Operators and Expressions: Expressions and Arithmetic Operators, Relational and Logical Operators, Conditional operator, size of operator, Assignment operators and Bitwise Operators. Operators Precedence
Control Flow Statements: If Statement, Switch Statement, Unconditional Branching using goto statement, While Loop, Do While Loop, For Loop, Break and Continue statements.(Simple programs covering control flow)

Module 3
Arrays and strings
Arrays Declaration and Initialization, 1-Dimensional Array, 2-Dimensional Array String processing: In built String handling functions (strlen, strcpy, strcat and strcmp, puts, gets) Linear search program, bubble sort program, simple programs covering arrays and strings

Module 4
Working with functions
Introduction to modular programming, writing functions, formal parameters, actual parameters Pass by Value, Recursion, Arrays as Function Parameters structure, union, Storage Classes, Scope and life time of variables, simple programs using functions

Module 5
Pointers and Files
Basics of Pointer: declaring pointers, accessing data though pointers, NULL pointer,array access using pointers, pass by reference effect File Operations: open, close, read, write, append Sequential access and random access to files: In built file handlingfunctions (rewind() ,fseek(), ftell(), feof(), fread(), fwrite()), simple programs covering pointers and files.