
Flowchart diagram elements identification using Faster R-CNN on an augmented Online Handwritten Flowchart Dataset

Primary LanguagePython


The following are part of the core functions of the project, as they are need for parsing, converting and calculating bounding boxes of the original inkml files.


bounding_boxes(inkml_file:string) - return: pboxs:pandas.DataFrame, bboxs:pandas.DataFrame

After parsing the given inkml file, creates a Pandas dataframe named 'bboxs' containing the data/plot coordinates of the bounding box for each group of traces (calculated after the annotations in the original inkml file), then converts it to a new dataframe ('pboxs') containing the actual pixel coordinates that can be found in the png files.


bounding_boxes_cmd - arguments: -file:string, -annotation:string - return: pboxs:pandas.DataFrame, bboxs:pandas.DataFrame

Works just like bounding_boxes.py, just not as a function but as a command line script which takes two arguments (the name of the inkml file to be processed and the annotation file).



Calls bounding_boxes_cmd.py on all files in the specified folder; used to generate bounding boxes pixel coordinates (= annotations) for all dataset files.


crop(png_folder:string) - return: nothing

Extended version of crop_reduced.py, which applies all thirteen cropping combinations to all images.


crop_reduced(png_folder:string) - return: nothing

Crops the original images by choosing, for each of them, a random cut to be applied from a total of thirteen available (one, two or three margins in all possible combinations). Said crop removes all white space up until the first black pixel, save for a tolerance margin of one or two pixels, and saves the resulting bounding boxes coordinates after subtracting the number of removed pixels from the original coordinates (loaded from the original annotation file).


*draw_bb(inkml_file:string, show:bool=False, scale:float=1, save:bool=False, save_bb:bool=False) - return: nothing / pboxs:pandas.DataFrame [iff. save_bb=True]

Given an inkml file, it calculates the pixel coordinates of the bounding boxes (using bounding_boxes.py) and draws them over a copy of the original png image; if show=True, shows the image with the bounding boxes; if save=True, it saves the new image to a new folder named after the file folder, but with '_bb' added to the end; if save_bb=True, returns the pixel coordinates dataframe computed by bounding_boxes.py ('pboxs').


*draw_cropped_bb - return: nothing

Draws all bounding boxes over the cropped images generated by the crop.py script; file and folder names are hard-coded, as it only serves as a visual check to ensure that the cropped coordinates have been correctly calculated.


parse_inkml(inkml_file:string) - return: data:pandas.DataFrame

Given an inkml file, it parses it and returns a Pandas dataframe containing the complete list of traces, each with its [x, y] coordinates and the trace group they belong to, along with the group's class.


plot_inkml(data:pandas.DataFrame, plot:bool=True, save:bool=False, classes:bool=False) - return: nothing

Given an inkml file, it parses it using parse_inkml.py and plots the traces coordinates using matplotlib; if plot=True, it shows the generated plot; if save=True, it saves the plot to a png image in a new folder; if classes=True, it draws each trace group (flowchart block or figure) using its class colour (it looks nicer).


svg2inkml(svg_file:string, inkml_file:string) - return: nothing

Parses a svg file and converts it in a plain inkml file (no annotations). Only path coordinates are written to the inkml file; any other information (line width, color, etc.) is lost.


transform_coord(data:pandas.DataFrame, bboxs:pandas.DataFrame, i:int, pboxs:pandas.DataFrame) - return: pboxs:pandas.DataFrame

Transforms the data coordinates of a parsed inkml file (saved in the 'data' dataframe) to pixel coordinates.



The following functions (named after the scripts they are defined in) are meant to be run only once, as they are needed for the creation of the png dataset from the inkml files and their annotations.


add_annotation_path(file:string, path:string) - return: nothing

Given a csv annotation file with only the file names specified, adds the specified path before each file name and saves it in a new csv.


*bb_test(img_folder:string, csv_file:string) - return: nothing

Draws bounding boxes over the images in the img_folder using the annotations in the specified file; for debug purposes only (it's a visual check for the bounding boxes coordinates accuracy).


divide_annotations(annotations_path:string, train_list:string, test_list:string) - return: nothing

Given the annotation file of the whole dataset and two lists of train and test files respectively, creates two smaller annotation files, one for each train/test list.


divide_dataset(dataset_path:string, train_list:string, test_list:string) - return: nothing

Given the dataset folder and two lists of train and test files respectively, copies all files to two smaller folders containing only the ones listed in the train/test files.


inkml2png(inkml_folder:string) - return: nothing

Converts the inkml files in the 'inkml_folder' folder to png files with the same name, saved in a new folder named after the original one.


*png2bb(inkml_folder:string, save_bb:bool=False, save_image:bool=False) - return: nothing

Gets the pixel coordinates for the bounding boxes of the inkml files in the folder 'inkml_folder'; if save_bb=True, it saves them to the 'annotation_pathless.txt' csv file; if save_image=True, it saves a copy of the original png image with the calculated bounding boxes drawn over it (for debug purposes only).



These files are either used for storing settings or have been generated by the scripts in this folder.



Contains the correct pixel annotations for the bounding boxes of each png file in the dataset.



Contains annotations only for the test files in the dataset.



Contains annotations only for the train files in the dataset.



Simple Python dictionary containing the RGB colors (normalized to the (0, 1) range) for each flowchart figure. These colors are used in more than one script, so putting them in one file makes redefining them easier.



Simple script that calls some of the functions in the project and shows some plots, to prove their effectiveness.



Pretty much self-explanatory.



Functions marked with * require that the png files must have been created before calling them, even though they only require inkml files.