
Giftcircle - TTS personal project. Encourage people to give personal non-commercial gifts through a 'secret santa' app (the group of people participating are a 'gift circle' or 'santa circle'). The gifts can be photos, poems, quotes, home baked cookies, words of encouragement… personal gifts. But, the model and code is meant to be generic so anyone who wants to use this for commercial purposes is more than welcome… SantaCircles is one example of 'skinning' the giftcircle code to encourage people to give non-commercial Christmas gifts

Primary LanguageRuby

## # giftcircle # - Originally intended to make it easy for people to give personal non-commercial gifts, in a # ‘secret santa’ type of arrangment. A group of people join a gift circle, and are matched up # in pairs as gift givers and gift receivers, with the following rules: # - gift circles have the have at least three participants (people) # - a gift giver and gift receiver can’t have a circular relationship # - a gift giver can’t be paired with him/herself as the gift receiver

# - Enabled for file and photo upload, so that the gifts can be photos, poems, quotes, words of encouragement… # so that people who have family members who are far away can exchange photos or other personal gifts. # - The model and code is generic so anyone who wants to use this for commercial purposes is more than welcome- # - SantaCircles is one example of ‘skinning’ the giftcircle code to encourage people to give non-commercial Christmas gifts # # Ruby version # # System dependencies # # Configuration # # Database creation # # Database initialization # # How to run the test suite # # # # Deployment instructions