Project school of a back office for "Le SAMU Social de Paris"

Primary LanguageJavaScript


School project for the use of Le SAMU Social de Paris

  • Auto-generated Table of Content [ToC]

🚀 Getting started


Have docker and docker-compose installed

Installing for development

You'll need to install dependancies and write your database access in .env file :::info :pushpin: To get your access to database ➜ ask the team ! :::

Run the following commands in project

cd API yarn install cd ../back-office yarn install cd .. touch .env echo "DB_PASSWORD=db_password\n DB_USER=db_user" > .env docker-compose up

Start working !:tada:

About API

See documentation in here

About back office

See documentation in here



Docker Compose


You can find a docker-compose.yml dedicated for development environment at the root project. The API is running with an Atlas Mongodb database instance.


If you want to run project locally in production environment, you can use docker-compose-prod.yml. On production environment, the database is running on a mongo container.

To import all data on mongo container use route localhost:9000/api/data/import

You will need a .env.production.local file with the environment variables DB_PASSWORD and DB_USER with whatever values you want to set. You can find the docker-compose and .env files that will be copied on server in the ansible folder ➜ here.



We build API image using the node:12 image version available on Dockerhub. The only difference is we use a script here as an entrypoint to replace the API endpoint for development by the one for production.

Back Office

We base our back office image on node:alpine and then copy it on an nginx one. The configuration file for nginx is directly copied from project here to /etc/nginx/conf.d while building the image.

As in API Dockerfile, we use a script to replaces the API development endpoint by the one for production.


See documentation in here


See documentation in here

🔗 Built with

  • Docker
  • Terraform
  • Ansible
  • Express
  • Mongoose
  • React
  • ESLint
  • Prettier
  • apiDoc
  • JEST
  • JWT
  • Styled Components
  • Storybook
