
A Python Script to upload Victron data to Emoncms directly from CCGX / Color control

Primary LanguagePython


A Python Script to upload Victron data to Emoncms directly from Venus OS / Color control

You will need to give root access to your CCGX / Color control to be able to run the script. More information can be found here : https://www.victronenergy.com/live/ccgx:root_access


Once you have access to Venus OS navigate to the /data folder and upload the dbus-emoncms.py to the root of the folder. Navigate to the data folder and edit the script with your emoncms server details.

To run the script from terminal : Navigate to data folder cd / data Run the Script
python dbus-emoncms.py

To run from boot: First make the file executable cd / data chmod +x dbus-emoncms.py Add rc.local file to the root of your /data file Add the following to the rc.local file :

sleep 120

nohup /usr/bin/python /data/dbus-emoncms.py & >/data/emoncms_output.log &

exit 0

You need the sleep command as it takes the d-bus a few seconds to start up.

You should see the data coming through to emoncms after about 3 minutes.