
Simple network monitoring with Telegraf, InfluxDB and Grafana on Raspberry Pi.

BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause

RPi Network Monitoring

This is simple network monitoring I use in my home network.

My network is quite simple -- one router Mikrotik RB2011 with IP address and one WiFi AP Mikrotik RBmAPL with IP address

Note: if you have diferent network settings, you should change extra_hosts setting in docker-compose file. Or you can completely change SNMP configuration in ./etc/telegraf.conf file.

Mikrotik setup

Enable SNMP on all Mikrotik device you want to monitor:

/snmp community set [ find default=yes ] name=telegraf
/snmp set enabled=yes

Optional: if you want to collect logs from your Mikrotik devices, you have to set "remote" action:

# Change to you RPi's IP address.
/system logging action set remote bsd-syslog=yes remote=

# Add all log level you wan to send.
/system logging add action=remote topics=info
/system logging add action=remote topics=error
/system logging add action=remote topics=warning
/system logging add action=remote topics=critical

Raspberry setup

Install Docker on Raspberry Pi:

$ curl -sSL https://get.docker.com | sh
# Note: Previous command can be a little dangerous. If you dont like to
# Note: pipe "unknown" script directly to shell, you can run it manually:
# $ curl -sSL https://get.docker.com > docker.sh
# $ sh docker.sh

# Add `pi` user to `docker` group, so you don't have to use `sudo docker`.
$ sudo usermod -aG docker pi

# Install `docker-compose`
$ sudo apt-get install docker-compose

After this you should be able to start InfluxDB, Telegraf and Grafana containers:

$ git clone https://github.com/slintak/network_monitoring.git
$ cd network_monitoring
$ docker-compose up -d

Rsyslog setup

Syslog input in Telegraf works only with messages encoded in RFC5424 format. The Mikrotik on the other hand sends RFC3164 so we have to use rsyslog to change formats.

Mikrotik -------> rsyslog --------> Telegraf
         :514/UDP         :6514/UDP
          RFC3164          RFC5424

The latest Raspbian OS has rsyslog already installed and running. All you need to do is copy configuration file and restart rsyslog daemon:

# On Raspberry Pi

sudo ln -s /home/pi/network_monitoring/etc/rsyslog.d/mikrotik.conf /etc/rsyslog.d/mikrotik.conf
sudo systemctl restart rsyslog

Grafana setup

Main Grafana dashboard can be found in dashboards/network.json. To use this dashboard you need to import it in your Grafana and set three variables:

  • Main Wifi AP Hostname -- hostname of your WiFi acccess point.
  • Main Router Hostaname -- hostname of your main router.
  • Name of WAN Interface -- name of WAN interface on main router.

Setting custom hostname on Mikrotik devices can be done by command /system identity set name="your-hostname".

Grafana Dashboard