
This web application will be used to generate Akan names. These names originate from the Ghana culture wereby naming is done depending on the day of birth and the gender. As a user, one will be required to enter the year, month and date of birth through a form and click the submit button. The business logic of the application will calculate the day of birth from the given information and match it with the correct name as assigned. An alert of the Akan name will then be displayed.

Link to live site


Technologies used

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Javascript
  • Bootstrap


To use the live setup, click the live link : In order to get a copy of the files locally, open the terminal and clone using the command "git clone https://github.com/Pauline-momanyi/akan_names_gen.git" Access the index.html as the main file, style.css for styling and script.js for programming functionality. Run the html file through any web browser.

Copyright and License

The project is distributed under MIT licence for copyright preservation. The project is open source and can be acquired and used freely.