Data visualisation

GitHub Preview

Three.js data visualisation climate change theme 🌍. Earths latest forest fire datas. Collaboration with Remi Elliet, designer & student at Gobelins, BDDI project.

How to run this project

first install all node modules, by writing npm install

then you can

npm description
npm run build build in dist folder
npm run start opens a local server running our application

Built With

  • Three.js - Used to translate 3D graphics into code for the web.
  • Blender - Used to create the tree and exported with a json format (Remi Elliet).
  • GSAP - GSAP easings
  • NASA - Data

Authors & credits

  • Remi Elliet - designer
  • Pauline Stichelbaut - developer

Gobelins, BDDI 2017-2018