A minimalist Sveltekit template with only:
By either:
- Installing nvm then:
nvm install 18
nvm use 18
- Installing Node v18 directly.
Or clone it first to try out:
git clone https://github.com/PaulioRandall/sveltekit-minimalist-template.git
cd sveltekit-minimalist-template
For good measure:
rm -f package-lock.json
Update package.json
with your project name, repository url, and other metadata.
Including the node version if possible. For most teams it's wise to stay on an LTS version and not upgrade until the next LTS version is both stable and your dependencies are compatible.
npm i
npm run dev
Start modifying at localhost:3000.
When you are ready to commit and push changes use the following command to do a full format, build, and test.
npm run commit
You'll know if everything is good because you'll get a curated ASCII scene. This can be changed by modifying ./scripts/youre-ready-to-ship.txt
___ _________ _________ ______ __________ _________ oo.
-- | | | | | | | | | | _____ o
___ | | | Ready | | To | | Ship | | | |__D|____][_
-- |_______|%%|_______|%%|____|%%|________|%%|_______|%%|_~~~~++++~_}
@~~@~~@ @~~@~~@ @~~@ @~@~~@~@ @~~@~~@ @~~@~~~@~~@
Modify .prettierrc.json
to customise styling. Or replace Prettier with your preferred tool.
Could not detect a supported production environment...
Don't worry if you get a build warning like the one above.
When the time comes to deploy to development and production environments you'll want to research SvelteKit adapters.
I use Vercel to host my personal website so I use @sveltejs/adapter-vercel. There are many others and you can write your own. I've written a custom Express adapter before and it's not too difficult; just a little tedious because they're not easy to test.