Rest API for a simple note taking app. The goal of this project is to improve my web development skills with JavaScript.
The API was developed using Node.js and the web framework Express. It uses MongoDB as database with Mongoose for connection. Mocha and Chai are used for the automated tests, together with the tools Factory girl, Faker and Supertest. Airbnb's code style was adopted and ESLint is used for code analysis.
First, you will need to clone the repo: git clone
. Then, you can install everything manually or use the dockerfile provided.
You will need:
After you install everything, enter the project's directory and run:
$ yarn install
$ yarn dev
This should run nodemon which will run the app and keep watching for changes you make in any file. If you don't have a 'PORT' environment variable set, it will run on port 2100.
To use the dockerfile attached:
(Optional) If you don't have MongoDB running on your machine:
$ docker run -d -p 27017:27017 mongo
Then, run the commands:
$ docker build -t note-app .
$ docker run -d --net=host note-app
To run the tests, execute: yarn test