
Using scp, remote copy pictures from mobileDevice to other machine whose machine has scp listening.

Primary LanguageObjective-CApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Using scp, remote copy pictures from mobileDevice to other machine whose machine has scp listening.


  • NMSSH using to scp, the core third-part. before i found this, i have been compile the libssh2 with arm64 arch, but it's too hard.
  • CTAssetsPickerController using to select photo
  • MBProgressHUD famous project to show tip message.


just run pod install in project directory


  1. copy image/video from iPhone/iPad to other machine which can listen scp(like mac, should go forward Sharing->Remote Login open it.)
  2. can be select picture from system photos-Library or take a picture.
  3. more capability will up...

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