.NET library for Intelligence X API
- .NET 5 SDK
- Install the IntelSharp NuGet Package
dotnet add package IntelSharp --version 1.0.0
Package Manager:
Install-Package IntelSharp -Version 1.0.0
- Grab your personal Intelligence X API key from "Account > Developers" -tab.
using IntelSharp;
using IntelSharp.Model;
var apiContext = new IXApiContext("your-api-key");
var searchApi = new IntelligentSearchApi(apiContext);
//Create a new active search job
Guid searchIdentifier = await searchApi.SearchAsync(term: "nsa.gov", ...);
//Obtain search status and its items.
var (searchStatus, items) = await searchApi.FetchResultsAsync(searchIdentifier);
//Work with the result items
foreach (Item item in items)
{ ... }
//For example, you can use FileApi to download and view the contents of the found items.
var fileApi = new FileApi(apiContext);
byte[] data = await fileApi.ReadAsync(item: ...);
//Remember to terminate the search job!
await searchApi.TerminateAsync(searchIdentifier);
IntelSharp.Sandbox is small CLI application demonstrating basic features of Intel# library.
$ dotnet IntelSharp.Sandbox.dll -?
An example CLI application using the Intel# .NET Core library
IntelSharp.Sandbox [options] [command]
--key <key> Your Intelligence X API key.
--timeout <timeout> The search timeout in seconds.
--version Show version information
-?, -h, --help Show help and usage information
search <term>