Primary LanguageHTML


Live Project:https://dev-od.herokuapp.com/

The purpose of this project is to demonstrate the knowledge & skills developed in the final section of my course with The Code Institute. <Dev_on_Demand> is an e-commerce Django web app with a CRUD based SQL backend, its purpose is to allow freelance developers a place to market themselves and allow consumers to buy time with varying developers across numerous code based disciplines/practices, the purpose of the time bought is entirely at the consumer's discretion, this could range from a consultation for a business enterprise application to assisting a computer science student in a mentor/technical guidance role.

Note: this project felt like a sizable leap from the previous one and as such I felt most comfortable coding along with the Code Institute 'Boutique Ado' project and tailoring it to my needs as I went.

To test Stripe payment functionality in this project please use below details:

  • Card number: 4242 4242 4242 4242 (4000 0025 0000 3155 - for extra auth step)
  • CVC: any 3 digit number
  • Expiration Date: any future date
  • Address: any address details

Table of Contents


User Stories

User Story ID As a/an I want to be able to… So that I can…
Viewing and Navigation
1 Shopper View a list of Developers To see options available to me
2 Shopper View Developer details Identify price, developer skills & experiences
3 Shopper Quick view and detail view of cart/bag To manage/control my potential purchase
4 Shopper Adjust cart/bag anytime to control my potential outlay To manage/control my potential purchase
Registration and User Accounts
5 Site User Register for an account Have a personal account to view my profile
6 Site User Login and Logout Easily access my personal information
7 Site User Recover my password Recover access to my account
8 Site User Receive an email conformation Verify my registration was successful
9 Site User Have a personalized user profile To view my personal information such as payment information and order history
10 Customer Leave a review Leave my testimonial and support this small business
11 Customer Edit my review Edit my previously created review with new details
12 Customer Delete my review Delete my previously created review as I may feel its no longer valid or reviewed in error
13 Developer Dispute a review I may feel I have been harshly reviewed and want a site owner to remove / let me respond
Sorting and searching
14 Shopper Sort the list of developers by rating or price View the available developers by the rating and price
15 Shopper Search for a developer by language/framework Quickly find the developer with the skills I need
Purchasing and Checkout
16 Customer View items in my bag to be purchased see the developers and total cost before I purchase
17 Customer Adjust the quantity or remove items in my bag Easily make changes before checkout
18 Customer Enter my payment information To complete purchase
19 Customer View an order confirmation after checkout Verify there are no mistakes with an order or payment information
Admin and store management
20 Store Owner Add a developer Add new developers to the store
21 Store Owner Edit a developer Change any details in the rate or description
22 Store Owner Delete a developer Remove developers that are no longer available
23 Store Owner Moderate reviews To prevent inappropriate comments on-site and allow devs to dispute 'unfair' reviews


This Project is designed to allow users to find developers that meet their required skill set and experience, purchase time with those developers and review them to that other customers can see what other peoples experiences have been like with specific developers.


For this project I used Mockplus to create my initial frontend design using wireframes, very basic setup was done initially and the wireframes were updated as the project progressed along with my vision for how I wanted the app to look.

Desktop / Tablet Mobile
Desktop / Tablet Mobile

Primary Django Models

Order Model: Mirrored from 'Boutique Ado' project - used to maintain customer orders Developer Model: Similar to 'Products' from 'Boutique Ado' project in terms of primary offering for sale - a model that stores all the information related to the offering of the store UserProfile Model: Mirrored from 'Boutique Ado' project - used to maintain customer profiles Review Model: Entirely custom - used to store information related to customer reviews of developers

Features / Design Choices


Central navigation point of the project, split into different files for desktop and mobile variations, provides quick access to all the major link/functions of the site.


This was an intensive project, and I had to put most of my time into learning Django, therefore Bootstrap was leveraged heavily in this project so time wasn't lost on custom HTML/CSS too much.

Colour Scheme

Bootstrap Primary, White and off-white was the main colour scheme used on this site as I felt the colour was appropriate, had a nice contrast and most importantly given the timeframe, was native to bootstrap and such was a quick solution.


Allows users to enter a term(s) and return results a developers name, what languages they speak and what languages or frameworks they are experienced in.

Side Bar Cart/Bag

Shows users what they currently have in their bag at all times in a non-intrusive manner



Link for admin to easily get the Django admin site if they needed functionality beyond that built into primary store frontend.

Add a developer

Section for site owners to add new developers to their site.

Pending Reviews

Section for site owners to moderate customer reviews on the developers.


Store customer selections and show details include price and quantity of developers they intend to purchase

Checkout + Stripe

Allow users to complete their purchase via stripe API, have their order confirmed and a summary of the order available on their profile and emailed to them


A section where customers can see activity on their account such as previous orders and review they have left on developers they have previously worked with.



  • HTML - Struture of the page.

  • CSS - Style of the page.

  • Javascript - User and API interaction/animation.

  • Python 3.8.6 - Backend of app.





Note: Additional dependencies per requirements.txt file


My aim for this project was to have most of the testing for this done via coded testing but due to time constraints I have not had time to write test code and as such all of my testing was done manually and the scenarios and finding to which are shown below:

General Functionality Testing:

Action Sub-action Scenario Expected outcome Result
Sign up Sign up Auth User Login Fail Pass
Sign up Non-Auth User Login Pass Pass
Login Login Non-Auth User Login Fail Pass
Login Auth User Login Pass Pass
Login Store owner Login Pass Pass
Developer Full process - Add/Update/Delete Non-Auth User Not Available / Not Actionable Pass
Full process - Add/Update/Delete Auth User Not Available / Not Actionable Pass
Full process - Add/Update/Delete Store Owner All Actions Successful Pass
Rating/Review Full process - Add/Update/Delete Non-Auth User Not Available / Not Actionable Pass
Full process - Add/Update/Delete Auth User - Non-Purchased Dev Not Available / Not Actionable Pass
Full process - Add/Update/Delete Auth User - Purchased Dev All Actions Successful Pass
Moderation - Rating/Review Dispute a review Non-Auth User Not Available / Not Actionable Pass
Dispute a review Auth User Not Available / Not Actionable Pass
Dispute a review Auth User - Developer (only own reviews) Dispute Successful Pass
Approve/Reject Reviews Non-Auth User Not Available / Not Actionable Pass
Approve/Reject Reviews Auth User Not Available / Not Actionable Pass
Approve/Reject Reviews Auth User - Developer (only own reviews) Not Available / Not Actionable Pass
Approve/Reject Reviews Store Owner All Actions Successful Pass
Search By name All User types Return based on criteria Pass
By Language (code) All User types Return based on criteria Pass
By Language (Spoken) All User types Return based on criteria Pass
By Framework (Spoken) All User types Return based on criteria Pass
Cart / Side Cart Full process - Add/Update/Delete Non-Auth User All Actions Successful Pass
Full process - Add/Update/Delete Auth User All Actions Successful Pass
Developer updated whilst in bag Any User Cost should be new cost Pass
Developer deleted whilst in bag Any User Bag Reset Pass
Checkout Order Creation Non-Auth User - Success 1 order in system Pass
Order Creation Non-Auth User - Failed before complete 1 order in system - via webhook Pass
Order Creation Auth User - Success 1 order in system Pass
Order Creation Auth User - Failed before complete 1 order in system - via webhook Pass
Store Details Auth User Updates user profile Pass
Store Details Non-Auth User not available Pass
Stripe - Payment Auth User Success Pass
Stripe - Payment Non-Auth User Success Pass
Developer with only required fields populated Any User Success Pass
Developer required field (Rate) Any User Fail Pass
Profiles Update Auth User Success Pass
Create Non-Auth User Success Pass

**This was not only tested once the project was fully completed but also as each functionality was initially created.

UX/UI Testing:

Screen/View Only Visible to… Links Responsive Comments
Home All Mostly Navbar wrapping on tablet size screens
Login / Sign up Non-Auth User Yes
Log out Auth User N/A Yes
Developers All Yes
Developer Detail All Yes Not 100% happy with layout but not experience hindering
Add Developer Store Owner Yes
Edit Developer Store Owner Yes
Delete Developer Store Owner Yes
Add Review Auth User - Purchased Dev Yes
Dispute Review Auth User - Developer (only own reviews) Yes
Cart / Side Cart All N/a Only on Large & above
Checkout All Yes
Profile Auth User Yes Not 100% happy with layout but not experience hindering
Order History Auth User (only own purchases) Yes
Review History & Edit/Delete Auth User (only own reviews) Yes
Pending Reviews Store Owner Yes

**Auth = Logged in user, Non-Auth = Not logged in user

As a result of testing in the live environment I was able to find a fix a few bugs, most notably the ones below:

  1. Adding a review to a dev: There appeared to be an issue with the way I wrote the code to calculate the developer rating when adding a new review for the developer, this issue was only in the production environment and not dev, therefore I believe it something to do with going from SQLite in dev to Postgresql in Prod. I was able to refactor my code to circumvent this and also moved the developer rating calc to the review approval stage instead of review creation stage which seemed more appropriate.

  2. No home button on mobile: As part of my responsiveness testing I notice there was no option to go back to the home screen on mobile view, I updated the nav dropdown to include one.

  3. Cart/Bag UX: Existing view was not very responsible for smaller screens, update the view to appear more user friendly on-screen below mid-size.

  4. Review Moderation UX: Page was not user friendly on mobile, tried to cram two sections into columns that didn't translate well on smaller screens.

  5. Review Moderation - Functionality: Encountered an issue where if a review was pending or disputed and the developer was deleted, the review could not be actioned from the review moderation page, it would cause a server error due to developer no longer existing, updated review moderation view so that if the developer no longer existing the review is deleted before returning pending reviews to the template

  6. Cart/Bag UX - Functionality: While testing the cart/bag app, I noticed that if a user had a developer in their bag and if that developer was then deleted it would cause a server error, to circumvent this I added logic that checked if it was no possible to calculate the subtotal that indicated there was an issue with a developer in the bag/cart and the bag/cart would be reset.



As this app depending on backend python code it requires hosting on a server that can run this code, there are several options available here such as AWS, Azure & Heroku. This project has been hosting on Heroku.


  1. Python 3.8.3 or later
  2. Git
  3. IDE (Integrated Development Environment) or code editor

Cloning a Repository

  1. Go to the main page of the GitHub repository and click on the dropdown menu 'Clone or download'

  2. Copy the URL and go to your local IDE

  3. In the terminal of your IDE type in 'git clone' and then paste the URL copied from step 2

  4. Press Enter and the clone will be created

Installing Dependencies

For the code to run the dependencies will need to be installed, to do this in the terminal use pip3 install -r requirements.txt, if updates are made and further dependencies have been added please use pip3 freeze --local > requirements.txtto update the requirements.txt file

Django Required Steps

Database Migration

python3 manage.py makemigrations
python3 manage.py migrate

Create SuperUser

python3 manage.py createsuperuser

Load Fixtures

python manage.py loaddata spoken_languages
python manage.py loaddata languages
python manage.py loaddata frameworks
python manage.py loaddata developers

Environment Variables

You will need to set up the following environment variables on your system.

Variable name Used for
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID AWS Static files hosting
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY AWS Static files hosting
DATABASE_URL Heroku Postgres Database Url
EMAIL_HOST_PASS Sending emails
EMAIL_HOST_USER Sending emails
SECRET_KEY Secret key used for your Django project
STRIPE_PUBLIC_KEY Complete Stripe payments
STRIPE_SECRET_KEY Complete Stripe payments
STRIPE_WH_SECRET Complete Stripe payments
USE_AWS Differentiate from Dev to Prod environment for static files
For local deployment create env.py file(at the same level as manage.py) with below code and add env.py to .gitignore file. 
import os

os.environ['AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID'] = 'your value'
os.environ['AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY'] = 'your value'
os.environ['DATABASE_URL'] = 'your value'
os.environ['SECRET_KEY'] = 'your value'
os.environ['STRIPE_PUBLIC_KEY'] = 'your value'
os.environ['STRIPE_SECRET_KEY'] = 'your value'
os.environ['STRIPE_WH_SECRET'] = 'your value'
os.environ['USE_AWS'] = False



  • The images/icons/graphics used in this site were obtained from Pexels (See Fair Use Disclaimer)


Big thank you to everybody at The Code Institute, very happy to have finally completed my final project, it was a very fun year (and very stressful at times!! ha)

Code Snippets / References

Below links helped me in various parts of the project to overcome issues:

Javascript / JQuery:

Python / Django:

Bootstrap / HTML / CSS:



  • The images, icons, and graphics used in this project are not owned by me and I have not been permitted to use these, the purpose of their inclusion is purely for visuals within the project and the entire project is for nonprofit educational purposes. If this site was to ever go outside the remit of "nonprofit educational" then these images would be removed before such action.