How to run app

  • go run . (at root folder)

DB Conection

  • postgres: assign db
  • INSERT Query:
    • CREATE TABLE job ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, name VARCHAR(255), duration INTERVAL, status VARCHAR(50) );


  • http://localhost:8099/jobs [POST]

  • Body :

    • { "name": "Job Pavan", "duration": "5s", "status": "Pending" }
  • http://localhost:8099/jobs [GET]

    • [ { "id": 21, "name": "Job Pavan", "duration": "00:00:05", "status": "Pending" }, { "id": 22, "name": "Job Pavan", "duration": "00:00:05", "status": "Pending" }, { "id": 23, "name": "Job Pavan", "duration": "00:00:05", "status": "Pending" }, { "id": 24, "name": "Job Pavan", "duration": "00:00:05", "status": "Pending" }]


  • ws://localhost:8098/ws

Project Structure

-project-root/ │ │ └── config.yaml # Configuration files (e.g., database config) │ ├── handlers/
│ ├── handler.go # Define Add Job and Update Job Logic │ └── job_interfacce.go # Declaring funcs │ ├── models/
│ └── db.go # Define data models (e.g., Job struct) │ ├── server/
│ ├── router.go # Define routes │ └── server.go # Start HTTP server └── middleware.go # middleware
│ ├── app/
│ └── sfj.go # Shortest-First Logic Impl │ ├── websocket/
│ └── ws.go # Websocket functions │ │ ├── main.go # Entry point of the application │ └── # Documentation about the project

What Can Be Improved

  • A seperate queries class can be developed
  • Gin can also be used
  • Config.yaml may be hidden