# Environment Setup 1. Create a new conda environemnt `conda create --name ml python=3.11` 2. Activate the new environment `activate ml` 3. Install the packages from requirements.txt `pip install -r requirements.txt` 4. Register the env with jupyter - `python -m ipykernel install --user --name=ml` 5. Access the project folder from dropbox link and save locally , or clone from git - https://gatech.box.com/s/4jihp87lqbc7w89y0bh800ws3iqmljs1 - https://github.com/PavanKB/PS_4 # MDPs ## Frozen Lake - explore_mdp_frozen_lake.ipynb # RUN THE MODELS 1. Open command prompt and navigate to the project folder 2. Activate the conda env - `activate ml` 3. Start the jupter lab - `jupyter lab` 4. Open the respective the model and dataset python notebook and run the full notebook. It will download the required data and train the model.