
Single Page Application (SPA) Based React Project

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Project Overview

Refer to videos below:

Success View

Failure View

Set Up Instructions

Click to view
  • Download dependencies by running npm install
  • Start up the app using npm start

Quick Tips

Click to view
    //write code here
  //write code here
  • Use formatDistanceToNow function to find the difference between the given date and now in words.
import {formatDistanceToNow} from 'date-fns'
console.log(formatDistanceToNow(new Date(2021, 8, 20)))
// Return the distance between the given date and now in words.

Important Note

Click to view

The following instructions are required for the tests to pass

  • Home route should consist of / in the URL path

  • Login route should consist of /login in the URL path

  • Trending route should consist of /trending in the URL path

  • Gaming route should consist of /gaming in the URL path

  • SavedVideos route should consist of /saved-videos in the URL path

  • VideoItemDetails route should consist of /videos/:id in the URL path

  • No need to use the BrowserRouter in App.js as we have already included in index.js

  • User credentials

     username: rahul
     password: rahul@2021
  • Wrap the Loader component with an HTML container element and add the data-testid attribute value as loader to it

    <div className="loader-container" data-testid="loader">
      <Loader type="ThreeDots" color="#ffffff" height="50" width="50" />


Image URLs
Hex: #0f0f0f
Hex: #f9f9f9
Hex: #f8fafc
Hex: #1e293b
Hex: #f1f5f9
Hex: #475569
Hex: #f1f1f1
Hex: #181818
Hex: #e2e8f0
Hex: #94a3b8
Hex: #4f46e5
Hex: #64748b
Hex: #231f20
Hex: #ffffff
Hex: #212121
Hex: #616e7c
Hex: #3b82f6
Hex: #00306e
Hex: #ebebeb
Hex: #7e858e
Hex: #d7dfe9
Hex: #cbd5e1
Hex: #000000
Hex: #ff0b37
Hex: #ff0000
Hex: #383838
Hex: #606060
Hex: #909090
Hex: #cccccc
Hex: #424242
Hex: #313131
Hex: #f4f4f4
Hex: #424242
  • Roboto