R Shiny Based Interface for Empowering Teams to Perform Real-Time Pharmacokinetic/Pharmacodynamic Simulations
ModVizPop is an interactive and dynamic visualization tool developed for simulating differential equation based population PK/PD models with variability. It has an in built PK/PD ODE library of models to choose from alongside ability to plug in a user defined model from local or project directory. The user interface consists of several key inputs for performing the simulations as well as options to visualize the plots, input parameters, derived values and equations. It also provides the ability to download the underlying model, plots, simulated data or a comprehensive report consisting of all the key inputs and outputs of the simulations. The interface includes advanced features where users can overlay external data on a simulation, set a certain simulation scenario as a reference or carry out sensitivity analysis based simulations. This easy to use interface can serve as a valuable tool to project teams to evaluate potential scenarios facilitating collaborative decision making in the drug discovery and development paradigm.
This package is not currently on CRAN. Install it via devtools:
Once installed, access the application using the commands below:
You can also access the readily working application using the following link: