
ReactJS app that helps you make a burger with ingredients of your choice ( Used: Router4, Firebase, Axios; Features: CSS modules, add/remove ingredients, Modal with order summary, Form for delivery, Responsve layout)

Primary LanguageJavaScript

The code is based on Maximilian Schwarzmüller course in Udemy with some changes and code styling improvements.

ReactJS BurgerShop

ReactJS app that helps you make and order a burger with ingredients and their quantity of your choice.

Here I've uploaded two versions of the app:

  1. Basic version with all the fundamental components and functions (add/remove ingredients, CSS modules for styling, modal with order summary and backdop, side drawer for responsive navigation)
  2. Upgraded version with Firebase for back-end and Axios for http requests, React Router 4, Form for delivery

I've used ES6 and some of the best practises for mutation of the state and overall composition.

You can check the final version (refactored with Redux and with added authentication) here - https://github.com/PavelApostolov/Redux-BurgerShop


  1. Run npm install in the command prompt of one of the two project folders to install the necessary pakcages
  2. Run npm start to start the application in your default browser