
A tool to create a dataset on small and medium business companies registered in Russia based on Federal Tax Service opendata

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Russian small and medium business dataset generator

A tool for creating a tabular georeferenced dataset of all Russian small and medium business companies and individuals from Federal Tax Service (FTS) opendata.

Quick start

Install Python and dependencies (see the list below), download this repository, unpack it to current folder, open command line and run commands.

Dataset of all companies with auto-download

python -m ru_smb_companies --download

This will download all source data from FTS servers and process it making a huge resulting table with all Russian SMB companies. Runtime is large (up to 2 days), disk space required is about 500 Gb.

Dataset of some companies with auto-download

To reduce disk usage and runtime, you'd better filter by activity code because you probably don't need the whole dataset but instead want to focus on some economic areas.

python -m ru_smb_companies --download --ac 10.10 --ac D

This will filter source data leaving only companies with main activity code starting with 10.10 or in group D of the state classifier (OCVED, see ru_smb_companies/assets/activity_codes_classifier.csv).

No auto-download

You can download source zip archives manually and save them in relevant folders:

After this, run python -m ru_smb_companies. This will process downloaded files. Filtering by activity code can be done with --ac options, as shown earlier.

Other options

Run python -m ru_smb_companies --help and python -m ru_smb_companies <subcommand> --help.


  • typer
  • pyspark
  • pandas
  • numpy
  • requests
  • beautifulsoup
  • tqdm
  • fuzzywuzzy
  • lxml