
Convert any table or select query to a html <table> format

Primary LanguagePLSQLMIT LicenseMIT

SQL table to HTML

Convert any table or select query to a html table format

FROM: www.sqlguatemala.com

SP: sp_TabletoHTML

Version: 1.1

AUTHOR: Eduardo Pivaral sqlguatemala.com

MIT License

This stored procedure converts a table or select query to a HTML table format, with some customization options.

I have taken as a base, a script Carlos Robles (dbamastery.com) provided me for a static table, so i modified it to accept any table and apply different or no styles, also you can output or not the column names to the table.


  • This SP works with dynamic queries, also data is not validated, so it is vulnerable to SQL injection attacks, so always validate your queries first.

  • Null values are not converted on this initial release, so before using it, remove null values from your data.

  • Some special datatypes like geography, timestamp, xml, image are not supported, if you try to use them, an error will raise, remove these columns before using it.

  • This tool is not designed to handle huge amounts of data, so, for massive information you can split them in various executions.


  • @stTable: input table or SELECT query, a schema.object or SELECT query format
  • @RawTableStyle: OUTPUT variable, to use in another process or programatically
  • @includeColumnName: 0=does not include column names | 1=include column names (DEFAULT)
  • @TableStyle: 0=no style | 1=black borders (DEFAULT) | 2=grey style | 3=lightblue style | 4=zebra-striped table


Most basic usage, table name and all defaults to query window

EXEC sp_TabletoHTML @stTable = 'sys.dm_os_windows_info'


table output

SELECT QUERY, all defaults

SET @SQLSentence = 'SELECT name,state_desc ,create_date,collation_name FROM sys.databases'

EXEC sp_TabletoHTML @stTable = @SQLSentence,
	@RawTableStyle = @st OUTPUT


table output

Remove column name

SET @SQLSentence = 'SELECT name,state_desc ,create_date,collation_name FROM sys.databases'

EXEC sp_TabletoHTML @stTable = @SQLSentence,
	@includeColumnName = 0,
	@RawTableStyle = @st OUTPUT


table output

Gray style with columns

SET @SQLSentence = 'SELECT name,state_desc ,create_date,collation_name FROM sys.databases'

EXEC sp_TabletoHTML @stTable = @SQLSentence,
	@TableStyle = 2,
	@RawTableStyle = @st OUTPUT


table output

Lightblue with columns

SET @SQLSentence = 'SELECT name,state_desc ,create_date,collation_name FROM sys.databases'

EXEC sp_TabletoHTML @stTable = @SQLSentence,
	@TableStyle = 3,
	@RawTableStyle = @st OUTPUT


table output

zebra-striped table

SET @SQLSentence = 'SELECT name,state_desc ,create_date,collation_name FROM sys.databases'

EXEC sp_TabletoHTML @stTable = @SQLSentence,
	@TableStyle = 4,
	@RawTableStyle = @st OUTPUT


table output

Remove style and columns

SET @SQLSentence = 'SELECT name,state_desc ,create_date,collation_name FROM sys.databases'

EXEC sp_TabletoHTML @stTable = @SQLSentence,
	@TableStyle = 0,
	@includeColumnName = 0,
	@RawTableStyle = @st OUTPUT


table output