
Automation Testing Using Cypress, Allure reports and TypeScript

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


License GitHub issues Commitizen-friendly

Automation Testing using Cypress, Typescript and Allure reports

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.


Git - Getting Started - Installing Git
Cypress - Installing Cypress

How to install this project

git clone https://github.com/Pavelya/Cypress-allure-reports-typescript.git

Running the tests - command line mode

cd to project path

Run locally
npm run cypress:run -- --spec cypress/integration/first.spec.ts --headed --env allure=true

Run locally with headless browser
npm run cypress:run -- --spec cypress/integration/first.spec.ts --env allure=true

Parameters usage

Variable Description Example Default
headed Use headless mode true false
allure Populate Allure results folder true false

Create Allure reports

allure generate --clean
allure open

Scripts in package.json

To run the scripts:


Variable Description
cypress:run Run the tests
lint Run linter
prettier Run prettier check
format Run prettier write
commit Commit changes using Commitizen flow
changelog Update CHANGELOG.md

Commit changes

With cz script
git add .
npm run commit

linter and prettier will run as pre commit hooks

Built With

  • Cypress - Modern testing with cross-browser compatibility
  • Allure reports - Framework designed to create test execution reports
  • Commitizen - Zen-like commit messages


Pavel Yampolsky - Skype: pavel.yampolsky.willhill Email: 2pavelya@gmail.com


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details

Huge kudos to wonderful software that allowed to create this project:

Allure Cypress Commitizen